Patterns and how we can identify and manage them

Patterns are so easy to accumulate and often so difficult to eliminate. We frequently get caught in stories, many times not our own, but if we are not diligent they can become our own – taking them on and absorbing them unconsciously.

Patterns are everywhere we look:
– in the environment that surrounds us
– in places we work
– in nature
– in families
so it is no wonder that we are drawn to them or succumb to them if we are not ‘awake’.

In last month’s blog I talked about the ‘pivot point’. By chance, I finally picked up a copy of the International Best Seller – “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman, (Winner of The Nobel Prize). On the back is a testimonial by the New Your Times – “A major intellectual event….a crucial pivot point in the way we see ourselves”.

It piqued my interest.

Why did I pick this book up now, whilst on holiday in Christchurch, New Zealand, in my favourite bookstore, “Scorpio books”?
(they really do have an incredible range of books, and one can while a way a great deal of time here).

It may also have been triggered by a movie I had seen the Friday before – which may possibly be the “Movie of the Year” (or some years) for me – due to the performance of Glenn Close, and indeed the entire cast. The Movie, “The Wife”, is about patterns and how they can impact our life and most certainly our choices – if we allow them to.

A couple of my recent coaching clients are experiencing FAST and do not feel, think or believe that they have a choice to get off that dial speed and slow down.

Phrases such as:
“If I don’t do it, who will? and
“if I don’t do it myself it won’t be right”
also “I cannot trust them unless I keep total control of what they are doing” – indicate the pattern which is running them.

And so it goes on, until others literally just stop doing anything, or taking the initiative as it really won’t be “up to scratch” and so the resultant mindset of “why bother” is created.
This is, of course, not a good environment to create – and certainly not one that endears trust.

In fact, it creates wariness, inaction, and complacency.

And so, it does come down to choices – how and why we make them.

At the heart of choices are our patterns, patterns that become unconscious habits that govern our actions. Until we raise our level of awareness and become conscious of them and take constructive actions to reshape them or rethink them.

The question to ask is: “Do they serve us?” and if they do not, then, CHANGE THEM.

The “how” is often the question, especially if the pattern is deeply ingrained, or even passed down to us via genetic patterning, upbringing and on top of that, what we place ‘value’ on, or
– What is truly important to us?

So what to do to?

Ideally this links into cherishing our deeper desires, which has their roots in our true self, not the ego. It requires us to wake up and note what is driving us.

Waking up means becoming more self-aware, the process often is mystical or can seem that way. It certainly can be an ‘aha’ moment, but having been through this personally, at numerous times in my life, and even most recently putting my mother’s ashes to rest, it is well worth the ‘awakening’. Tapping into one’s inner self, allows for inner peace, and wiser choices. Your true self wants you to align, to grow, and to expand.

So pattern ‘management’ is essential to expansion and standing tall in who you BE.

A question for you to consider?

• How do you intend to align, grow and to expand?
Are you ready to Stand Tall?
Patterns – manage them or they will manage you
Patterns – manage them or they will manage you
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